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Volunteer Spotlight: Judi Squire

Judi Squire has been a volunteer with DOROT for seven years! In her time with DOROT, she has worn many volunteer hats—Package Delivery volunteer, office volunteer, Tech Coach, Friendly Visitor, and Response Team volunteer.

She was recently recognized for her volunteer efforts by UJA-Federation of New York -- pictured above with Laura Klein (left), Director of Volunteer Services and Judith Turner (right), Senior Program Officer for Volunteer Services and Intergenerational Program Engagement.).

We've asked Judi a few questions about her time as a volunteer with DOROT. Read her responses below:

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm retired after about a 50 year career in travel and financial services, mostly relating to credit cards. I worked all over the world and lived in Mexico. Before I became a consultant 20+ years ago, I introduced and managed the MetroCard.

How did you first get involved with DOROT? Why did you choose to volunteer with DOROT?

I started to volunteer in 2017 when a friend showed me an email with opportunities. My parents volunteered when I was younger and were on the Board of the Jewish Family Service of Philadelphia. They were a strong influence on my feeling of responsibility to give back. Also, one of my Mother's cousin's sons, Ethan, has been involved with DOROT since the late 70's and my Mother always pointed out his picture and mentions in DOROT newsletters to me.

What is one of your favorite moments from your experience as a DOROT volunteer?

There have been so many, and I have learned so much. Helping a client buy tickets on TDF so she would go to the theatre more often, helping visually impaired clients by organizing files and paperwork and buying items on the internet, making phone calls for package deliveries and for birthday wishes, and having unexpected, wonderful conversations.

What have you learned from volunteering with the DOROT community?

I've found that many clients have experienced, and are experiencing, enriching lives that they are eager to share. Several participate in other DOROT programs, such as UWW, and intergenerational visits that keep them up to date with political and social issues.

What would you say to someone interested in volunteering?

It's a terrific opportunity to explore mutual interests or to learn new things from a person who will appreciate the connection. You will get much more out of the experience than you may realize at first.

Anything else you want to add?

DOROT staff are always available to help, provide advice, or to be a sounding board.

Thank you, Judi!

Interested in becoming a Response Team volunteer like Judi? Learn more HERE