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Friendly Visiting - Westchester

Friendly Visiting is a meaningful program for older adults and volunteers alike. Our social work team carefully matches Westchester County residents 60+ with adult volunteers interested in weekly or monthly visits. Bonds are created while sharing life experiences, hobbies, interests and more during weekly visits scheduled at convenient times.

Friendly Visiting matches commit to a one-year period, with many pairs renewing each year to continue the relationship that is as meaningful to volunteers as it is to older adults. A DOROT social worker will schedule an introductory visit to the home prior to making any matches with volunteers.

For more information call 914-485 -8354 or e-mail


Friendly Visiting at DOROT Westchester is generously supported in part by The US Department of Health and Human Services — Administration on Aging (AOA), New York State Office for the Aging, Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services.