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Purim Family Visits

Make Purim extra special by sharing it with an DOROT older adult!

Families with children ages 5+ are invited to share the joy of Purim through gift giving and a visit or phone call with older adults in the DOROT community!

How it works: 

Each family will assemble their own Mishloach Manot (a Purim package filled with holiday goodies) to give to an older adult. Don't worry, we'll send a helpful guide with tips on how to put it together!

Families will deliver packages to the senior's home on Sunday, March 16, 2:00-4:00 pm.

After delivering the package, each family will connect with the older adult by phone or stay for a visit to wish them a happy holiday.

Registration is now open. Spaces are limited!


DOROT staff will contact you to confirm the date and details before the event.

Questions? Contact us at